Basic Server Rules
Only Kingdom Kings/Queens are allowed to have King or Queen in their IGN (In Game Name)
Killing of Passive tames is not permitted.
Battle Dinos are not allowed.
Tamed dinos may be put on aggressive only if it is contained inside the walls of a base. FLYERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE SET ON AGGRESSIVE. (MICRORAPTORS ARE CONSIDERED GROUND DINOS.)
If a player has been given permission to tame in a kingdom, no other player is allowed to hit or kill the dino being tamed.
If a dino being tamed is hit or killed, the offending player must replace the dino with an equal or higher level
You are allowed to have 10 Species X Plants outside or around your base as long as they are set to Target Wild Dinos Only. (This is so your passive tames will be protected against wild dinos)
No turrets are allowed.
The Entrance and Exits to Artifact and Boss Caves are not to be blocked off in any way.
There are no spiked walls allowed unless they are being used to protect a dino you are taming. When the tame is done, they must be taken down immediately.
Dino Gate Frames can be used for territory walls but you must fill them with walls. You are not allowed to use Dino Gates inside the frames.
All tribes within a kingdom must be aligned with each other.
Tribes are allowed to align with whoever they see fit including other tribes from other kingdoms.
Tribes are allowed to trade with any one they see fit and set their own prices accordingly as long as it is allowed by the King/Queen.
Kingdoms must govern their issues on their own and come to an agreement within their tribes. If an issue is severe to the point where no agreements are being met an admin may be called upon to help settle said issue. There will be a formal meeting and both parties may present their side of the story. A witness may be called upon during this hearing as well. If it gets to this point then the admin has the last word and their decision is final.
Even though Structure Damage is off that doesn't mean people won't still steal your stuff if they can. Thieving is not against server rules. If you leave the front door of your base open or you log out in a publicly accessible area , you run the chance of your stuff getting taken. Kingdoms may deal with thieves that are caught in whatever fashion they deem fair.
There is to be no grieving or trolling of any kind on this server. You will receive one warning only. After that, you will be banned. The following is a list of examples of trolling and grieving, but are not limited to just these examples.
No picking people off their dinos, unless they have a KOS.
No throwing of bolas at tamed dinos or people.
No painting of others structures or dinos without owner’s permission.
No painting of another player without their permission.
No knocking another player out through punching, tranquilizer darts, or any other weapon.
No hiding of other people’s dinos.
No stealing of other people’s tamed dinos.
NOTE: We are all here to have fun and play together. We understand that there will be joking around, pranks, and general goofing off and we do not want to discourage that. When a person expresses their dislike of a certain act done to them, continuing or repeating that same act to them is considered harassment and is there for deemed as trolling. If someone asks you to stop or not to do it again, take them seriously. When a person’s experience on this server becomes no longer fun, we take the matter very seriously.
I understand that this is a lot more rules then other servers and more are yet to come. I try to be more in depth than other servers. I made them this way so that is clear about what you can do and what you can’t do. I am trying to have the best of both PvE and PvP with as little friction as possible. This is different than any other server has tried to do before. The rules will evolve with the game play and as I learn more from problems that arise. Your best bet in any situation where you think you are being treated unfairly, abused, harassed, or see someone breaking the rules is to record it in a video if you are in game. If you are in a Messenger chat room, take screen shots. This is also a good way to protect yourself if someone tries to say you are in the wrong. You can’t argue video because it’s right there in your face. Just keep that in mind.
To be sure that you get video you need to prove your case Go to your settings on your Xbox. Got to Preferences, then Broadcast & capture. Change the "Record that" duration length to 5 minutes. You will also want to change the Automatically upload to "Captures by me" if it isn't already set to that. This will ensure that your capture does not get lost.